Static, Modular & Rotary UPS systems

We can help you find the right fit for your needs.

Transformerless & Rotary Range

UB-V_nonDC_with_PB 1
UB-V_nonDC_with_PB60plus_Mitte_offen 1

Uniblock™ V (UB-V) Series Electrically Coupled UPS System


Flywheel based Static UPS, Battery-less design

The Piller Critical Power Module (CPM) has been designed with the specific needs of the modern enterprise data centre in mind, allowing designers to radically change their thinking for the provision of continuous power conditioning.

  • Reduced Real Estate Requirements
  • Increased net IT floor space
  • Low service intervention and costs
  • Increased availability by simplification
  • Five operating modes
  • Rapid deployment
  • Reduced ancillary assets